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"The New Age of Network Marketing is here and NetEASY Marketing is a great guidebook to Success!"
Steve Thompson
Top 15 Earner in the MLM Industry
Author of "Of Course You Can" and "View From the Top"
"Wes is one of the best tactical trainers I have ever worked with. This book delivers solid techniques that the least experienced networker and top industry veterans can use to take their business to a whole new level."
Marc Accetta
Multi-Million Dollar Earner
Legendary Network Marketing Trainer
"The BEST book for people wanting to use new technology and social media to build their Network Marketing business. Wes Melcher takes the Direct Sales and MLM industry to a whole new level in this guide to building a Huge Global Business!"
Matt Morris
Network Marketing Company Founder/Owner
Bestselling Author of "The Unemployed Millionaire"
From the Author
In this book, I will show you the new age of network marketing. These are not your mother's and father's Network Marketing, MLM, or Direct Sales strategies. With the creation of social networks and web 2.0, coupled with the increasing social desire to be part of someone's network club or organization, technology and society have made it easier than ever to stay in touch and network, and I am going to show you how to take advantage of these changes and turn a half-century-old industry into a stream of wealth and influence.This book will take an in-depth look at today's methods and strategies that have allowed me to build a global business comprising thousands of customers and distributors worldwide. I have used many of these strategies for more than half of my life to train hundreds of thousands of people and create multi-million-dollar-producing teams with a variety of products, and employing completely different approaches to marketing, selling and recruiting. I have been able to draw from my experience in sales, training, management, marketing, social media and promotion to create a book which has not been available until now. I have made it my life's mission to improve myself, my methods, my approach and my skills as I have evolved throughout my career. This book will illustrate and expand on my methodologies, all from a down-to-earth, easy-to-understand point of view that you can apply in any Direct Sales, MLM, or Network Marketing business. It is my sincere hope that you implement these tools into your business, no matter what product or service you promote, so you can, once and for all, live the life you have always dreamed of. It is time to turn NetWORK Marketing into NetEASY Marketing by taking the "Work" out of NETWORK MARKETING.
About the Author
Wes Melcher's foray into the Direct Sales Industry began in 1997, where he broke sales record after sales record with Vector Marketing, which markets Cutco Cutlery. His passion for team building and mentoring led him to the Network Marketing and MLM industry where he has trained more than 300,000 people over the last decade. He has consulted for both start-up and established MLM, Direct Sales, and Network Marketing companies worldwide over the last 15 years. Wes helped start WorldVentures, one of the fastest growing companies in the Network Marketing Industry in 2005, and which is now in the DSA Global Top 100 Companies. For more information on Wes Melcher, please visit
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